Saturday, October 11, 2008

To whom it may concern...

This is probably the saddest blog that I have ever written or will probably ever write.  Before I begin though I want it to be first known that I am not trying to make anyone feel bad... but I am trying to let people think about their lives and their actions.  I know that I have looked at my life and I have found myself lacking.  So I have just three quick questions for you.

My first question is this:

1. Who has felt you love them today?

Notice the phrasing of the sentence.  I'm not asking who has HEARD you say that you love them or who KNOWS that you love them, but really take a moment to think to yourself... who has FELT you love them today?  Have you taken any time today to listen to someone that you feel is in pain or have you taken the opportunity to show someone that you care by doing something with someone that you know is lonely?  While making a phone call to someone to let them know that you have thought about them is great (I have done this myself), could you have done more for that person than just make a 15 second phone call?  

2. Could you have done more for another person today?

Have there been any times today in which you could have done something for / with someone and instead you did something for yourself?  You could and can make a difference in a person's life and not even realize that you do.  The smallest bit of kindness can make the largest difference.

3. Could you have helped someone to love themselves more today?

A simple compliment can shape another person's world for a day... if a compliment is given.  The easiest way to help someone to love themselves is to remind them how great they are.  EVERYONE has something good that they do.  If it is playing video games, take some time to tell that person how good they are at video games.  If they are skilled in singing than let them know how proud of them you are.  If they are a nice person then let them know how special they are.  EVERYBODY has something great about themselves, sometimes it is good to remind them of that.  Be warned however, you will probably get a weird look at first when you do this because people are not used to this.  They will either ask you if you are all right, or they will feel uncomfortable.  Sadly, some people will even get upset.  But, you are doing a good thing and keep it up.  Your friend will think about your compliment and it will matter to them.  People in this time period are just unused to giving/receiving compliments.

What is sad about this blog is that there are so many people who are down, hurting, and feel so alone.  Every single person that is reading this blog knows someone that is down, hurting, or lonely, even if they are unaware that that person is feeling these emotions.  Please, please, take a look at those who you are close to and see if they might be people that could use some love.  Even if they don't seem to need it, feeling loved for a day would definitely make someone feel better regardless.

Matthew 22:39 - Love your neighbor as yourself.

                                                                               With love and prayer,


Anonymous said...


You are right that we don't tell each other good things enough, and the Bible tell us to do just that.

Romans 14:19, King Jimmy Version:

"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may EDIFY another."

Anonymous said...


This is the kind of reminder that I would love to read everyday. If people treated others with the love they always want the world would be a far more beautiful place.

I so try to be the person who you can always come to for a compliment. I can always try harder though..

Unknown said...

I read this blog and you are so right. There are so many people in this world hurting right now. My goal is to stop worrying so much about myself and put everything in God's hands and try to put a smile on everyone's face I come in contact with. Thank you Chris. Foonie.