Saturday, August 9, 2008

People's heroes...

Earlier today I was listening to 107.5, which is a popular local radio station in this area, and I heard a commercial that I had never heard before.

1st off - I do not normally listen to this station (or any radio for that matter), but today I was lazy and just left it on so that I could hear noise while I was driving.  I am a comic book fan so when I heard a commercial about kryptonite, I paid attention.

Unfortunately this commercial was about a club called Club Kryptonite that was having a "kids under 18 years old" special.  They said kids under the age of 18 years old get in free and that all drinks were half off.  Then (and it gets better), they announced that Ron Jeremy was going to be there when they host there "pimps and ho's" night.  For those who are unaware, Ron Jeremy was a famous porn star from the 1970's and 1980's, and apparently he is someone who is of such value to peoples lives that kids under the age of 18 would love to meet him.

What really saddened me about this commercial was that I realized that Ron Jeremy (someone who has given nothing to society but filth), has become a hero and role model to our youth and to so many.  Ron Jeremy has done nothing but become famous for filth and apparently being famous is all that people care about anymore.  Style over substance, and in this case no style.

When did porn stars become porn stars, or adult actors and adult actresses?  I remember when they didn't even have a name for them.  Now there are teenage girls that drive around with porn star stickers on their cars and for some reason their parents let them have those kind of things.

It seems to me that our society has really taken a turn for the worse when kids look up to people who have sex for a living and Mother Theresa is someone that most kids don't even know about.  Where are the morals that we once had when the Pussycat Dolls (who are just girls that used to be strippers who dance around the one girl who can sing as suggestively as possible) are a top act that even sings on So You Think You Can Dance?  

Superman has been looked down or for "being a boy scout" because he stands for truth, justice, and the American way (which in Smallville and The Superman Returns movie they took American out and put in the words "all that stuff" to be PC), but child molesters are now victims because they are no longer able to be Boy Scout Troop leaders and The Boy Scouts are bad guys because they did not want to allow that into their organization?  

As a society, where are our standard's?  Killing convicted murderers through the death penalty is inhumane but killing children in the womb is a person's choice?  Why are there not people standing up in outrage to all of the wrong that they see?  And why are there so many people who just stand back and do nothing, in the fear that they will make waves?  I PRAY that before I die I will have made waves in this world and I PRAY that I will make a difference for the better.  As a Christian I feel a strong conviction to do this that can not be stopped, but even if I were not a Christian I would want to take a stand against all of the things that I see wrong in the world because I love the world and want the best for the world.

What disappoints me though is how alone I feel whenever I do stand up for the right things.  Whenever I do take a stand I look around and see myself standing alone and that is something that shouldn't be happening.  People will stand together for the wrong things but I think that people do not want to be labeled as "the Christian" or as a "bigot" or as a "hate monger" just because they are standing up for what they believe to be right.  If someone has the privilege to stand up against Christianity, then why don't Christian's have the privilege to stand up for themselves?

There are no solutions that I have to this, just a sharing of what I see and feel.  America, please wake up and pick better role models than Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton, and start looking to people who have contributed in some positive way to the world.

Evil only truly wins when good men sit back and do nothing...


Anonymous said...


There is a lot of bad parenting going on out there or these things wouldn't get a foot in the door.

I think that it is up to churches to teach parents what parenting is all about. I was lucky enough to live with good parenting role models, but most people don't, anymore. As always, is is up to the church to bridge the gap.


Anonymous said...

People's heroes...interesting title

I myself express much surprise and disgust when I look at todays role models aka Britney Spears or Paris Hiltin along with a very long list of others but then I look in the mirror and think about some of my role models when I was a teenager.

I'm reminded of NWA, NIN, and even Marilyn Manson that I grew up with and still like some of their music to this day. I grew up in the age of gangsta rap which boasted treating girls like crap and makin more money or hardcore rock which was awesome and still is to me.

I guess what I'm writing is that even though today's role models are so absurd its really not much different considering what some of my role models were when I was a kid. Basically its what today's youth likes now or finds interesting and exciting.

It would be great if kids looked at role models such as Superman because of how positive of an influence he is but as a kid I thought he was boring myself. So how could I expect todays youth or ask them to look at Superman when I know as a kid he wasn't exciting to me.

To me its easy to be amazed who kids look up to today...until I remember who I liked when I was all I can do is smile and laugh a little.

Chris G's Blog said...

You do make a great point and I haven't thought of it in quite that way. When I was young I had a lot of the same role models that you mentioned. NWA, NIN, Too Short, 2 Live Crew, just to name a few and to tell the truth when I was young I wasn't a fan of Superman because he was "too powerful". Isn't it amazing how we change as we get older?

I definitely give you all of the points for your great comment Anonymous, but Ron Jeremy? Nope, at least the rappers could rhyme and write, but Ron Jeremy, a hero? Someone to look up to? He is a hero just because of the filth that he represents, but I guess so were 2 live crew and too short. Maybe I am just getting old or maybe this is part of the "growing up process".

I think that I agree with Brent about the parenting issue. I don't know about your parents, but my parents didn't really care what I did, least of all what I listened to. Maybe if my parents had been more moral people than maybe I would have had better heroes than Trent Reznor and Dr. Dre.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous here again,

First off, I would just like to write that I am enjoying this discussion. I also enjoy the different comments which I look at as sharing different opinions and ideas. A couple of points I jut wanted to add to this discussion.

I had one basic point of my orig comment and will add 2 more to this comment.

The main point I was trying to make was that each generation of kids are going to have new role models that as adults it blows our minds. I can't imagine why Hilton or Ron would serve as models for kids to look up to. But at the same time adults felt the same way about some of the celebrities I liked when I was younger.

Now to the 2nd comment to make. Bottom line is that kids will be kids. Chris u mentioned some of the role models u had when u were younger just like I had bad role models when I was younger (lol amazing...we both had the same ones...small world) and yet look how we turned out. I turned out to be a good person just like u did regardless of those evil role models. Just because kids like those celebraties doesn't mean they are going to be that way. Kids are going to emulate things that they consider cool but kids no right from wrong and most kids for the most part are going to be alright in the future.

For example, statistics will show overwhelming that I am correct that if you look at all the kids that listen to Gangsta Rap fewer than 10% will commit any serious crimes. Does listening to it influence u to some degree? Absolutely, but again I say kids will be kids. Kids still basically know right from wrong and most kids will turn out alright regardless of it. If u don't believe me ask Chris or myself :)

Last point I wanted to make is this. I believe people in general and as individuals are inherently good or want to be good. Each generation of kids adapt to a new norm of society that is crazier than the previous generation. Look at Elvis and the Beatles when they first came out and how parents thought of them.

Most kids will make the right decisions with their lives and learn lessons along the way regardless of the celebraties they like. If it makes kids stronger or a better people by going to church, or finding god, or something else than that is great.

To me whether u find something in yourself, or believe in God, or something else hat works for u and makes u happy than that is the most important thing. Church isn't going to work for everyone ust like not going to church is going to work for everyone either. We all have to find what works for how life is interesting lol.

Anonymous said...

CHris, I agree with what you are saying....I always looked up to superman, batman, and other comic book heros....then I got older and that has changed a instead of fictional characters, I look up to the members of our armed forces, Police, firefighters, & pastors....It is a sad day in America when we have a local club hat is willing o sell to underage teens, and to bring them in they bring Ron Jeremy....And to think that it is only gonna get worse!

Anonymous said...


I have to think of Jesus' statement in Luke 18 that only God is good. So, God must be the ultimate hero, and other heroes (real and fictional) are only heroes to the degree they reflect the goodness of God's perfection.

Here's a thought: all truly interesting heroes must look to something higher than there self in order to find the courage and impetus to be good at all.

Anonymous said...

"God will bring to judgement
both the righteous and the wicked,
for there will be a time for every activity,
a time for every deed."
Ecclesiastes 3:17