Monday, October 19, 2009

What has happened to the world today?

There have been a lot of things lately that have had me wondering what ever had to the world to get it to where it is today.
Please let me know if any of the following have ever happened to you:

1. You are driving and minding your own business when someone cut's you off and you don't even respond in any sort of way... only to have the person who cut you off than flip you off as if you have done something to them instead of vice versa.
2. You are in a Wal-Mart and smile and say hello to half a dozen people who not only don't say "hello" back but instead frown at you and than mutter to whoever they are with as if you have done something weird or unusual.
3. Been waiting for some people to pull out of their parking spot only to have someone else pull in when it was obvious that you had been waiting there several minutes for the spot only to have them glare at you in a challenging way.
4. Smiled and said hello back to a small child who has walked up to you and said hello first only to have the parent snatch the child away and look at you as if you were recently featured on America's Most Wanted sex offender of the week episode.
5. Been carrying a baby in a stroller (or other device) where you were in obvious difficulty and had to watch as others hurried to open the door for themselves and not take the one or two moments it would have taken to hold the door open for you.
6. You have been honked at by another car when your light turned green and you did not immediately roar to life and push for 0-60 in 7 seconds.
7. Made ANY type of customer service phone call to wind up waiting for 5+ minutes before finally speaking to a person who acted as if they were having to pay for your situation out of their own pockets.
8. Waited patiently in a line only to have people deliberately cut in front of you and look at you with a bad attitude.
9. Paid $3-$5 extra dollars because of a "convenience fee" when you are just paying a bill.
10. Dealt at all with any government employee only to receive the "if it doesn't affect my paycheck I will take my sweet time about it and act like helping you is a big bother" attitude that is so common is seems as if that is what they are trained to do when they are hired.

If you have ever experienced ANY of the previous 10 situations (which I bet you have), than you understand what I am talking about.

What has happened to the world that I used to know?

Customer service used to be a priority to a company and now it is something that cost you extra money to receive (try carrying a bag on to an airplane).

I remember when people used to bake cakes to give to new neighbors to welcome them to the neighborhood and now I have lived in my current house for 2.5 years and there hasn't been 5 people that have ever talked to me.

People used to pride themselves on being friendly to one another but now friendliness is frowned upon (literally).

Every commercial that has a man in it portrays him as a bungling idiot and every commercial with a woman in it has her portrayed in a sleazy manner... is this what the world has become?

People used to dress up for Halloween to simply have fun, but now it seems their goal is to entice and seduce others (count the number of playboy bunny outfits you see this year).

In the past I have used blogs to try to draw conclusions and to try to come up with solutions but this one is meant for people to vent on and share their funny stories of how other people have been rude to them or for people to point out things that they see as wrong with our world today.