To start things off I will let you know about the church. It is a small church about 12 minutes outside of the city. There were 53 people there this past Sunday and there were 9 children for children's church. The last youth meeting had 13 youth and although the church is small you can just feel the love and the excitement and you can just see the growth every week. You might be saying to yourself, "If there are only 53 people then how is it growing?" Well, 2 years ago they had only 17 people. The age group is pretty varied but about 65% of the church is middle age/elderly and there are lots of children and many young families.
Things that I love about my church...
1. Generosity - I have seen this church not just say that they want to help people, but I have seen this church reach into their own pockets and give not just their money but also their time to help other people out. Their was once a time when they were given the "opportunity" to help out someone and without batting an eye they said "What else is the church for?" This is far from a rich church but it sure does enjoy giving as if it was a rich church.
2. Loving - "You shall know my people for they will have love for one another." You can feel the love from the people if you ever attend a worship service with us. The people are genuine and very friendly. My church is not a church you will go to and be ignored. My church is a church in which you will leave feeling as if you have made some new friends. The greeting and fellowship time (that time where everyone walks around and shakes hands with one another), can easily go for 10 minutes because the people just want to find out how each other is doing and because they want to smile and find out about each other... my church is interested in who you are.
3. Open minded - This past Sunday my wife and I had a friend come over and sing a song to the church for worship. My friend has a beautiful voice and is very talented and God has surely given her a gift, but still I thought that some people would get upset because the style of song was contemporary. Remember that the average age of this small little country church is middle age/elderly. I thought for certain that somebody would have a problem when my friend started to sing a Bethany Dillon song that sound real "poppy". Imagine my surprise (and shame for not giving my church enough credit) when my church gave the loudest and most enthusiastic applause that I have ever heard them give. Imagine my surprise again when so many of the middle age/elderly people came up and thanked my friend and gave her sincere love for the song that she song. Now that you have imagined my surprise and shame imagine my pride...
4. Strength - My church is just a little old church , but it is a church that is strong enough to have lasted 125+ years and it is a strong enough church to fight against an organization that it no longer wants to be a part of. For those who are unaware, my "little" old church used to be Methodist but my "little" old church decided to take a stand against the large denomination when my "little" old church didn't agree with many of the things that the Methodist denomination was accepting. My "little" old church is now fighting for it's very survival for what it believes is right and I KNOW that my "little" old church is going to win. How "little" was David when he fought Goliath?
5. Unity - The day of Pentecost was successful for 2 reasons. The first reason was because the Holy Spirit came down and touched the people. The second reason is because the people were united and all in one accord. My church is united and if one person should fall then the rest of the church will pick that person up and carry them until they can walk on their own again. My church voted 100% to leave the Methodist denomination and that is unheard of. My church is united in making a difference and helping people not just helping themselves. My church is united in wanting to serve God.
I'm sorry if I seemed to be bragging about my church but it is because I really am proud of my church. This is a church filled with great people who want to do God's work and this is the kind of church that makes me proud and happy to be a Christian. I know that if I have lived a less than perfect life these people would not look down their noses at me and I know that they would love me just the same. I love my church because it is not mine so much as it is God's church and I'm just happy to be there. I love my church because there is no drama, no back stabbing, no hurting one another, and no pettiness (I am not saying that all churches have those, but the few ones that do have those things do give the rest of the churches a bad name, so please do not think that I am writing about any church in particular). I love my church because it loves me and my family and that is what Christianity is all about...
My church is named Mount Pleasant Community Church.